Our Principles
CAMELION is a modern company in which hard-working people are working on the basis of mutual respect, to be successful together. The target-oriented cooperation of all employees is the capital of our company.
Our customers are our partners and crucial for the success of our company. We oriented ourselves at the wishes and aims our customers. We guarantee our customers the best possible performance in advice, service and delivery by using expertise and innovative solutions. The authentic and personal contact with our customers is an essential part of our success. The only way to understand and solve every problem and every requirement.
We are always looking for direct and uncomplicated solutions and not shy away from unusual ways. From our employees we expect initiative, commitment and sense of responsibility. We promote the personal development of our employees and build on their strengths. Tolerance and fairness in the cooperation are the basis for success and job satisfaction.
We are aware of the responsibility for our environment and the world in which we live this determines our daily actions.